Local Solutions for a Cleaner Grid


We believe that local assets are key to our energy future. Our distributed energy storage projects match bulk power supply with local demand and help build a stronger, more resilient grid.  The current development focus is California, where aggressive renewable targets coincide with a pressing need to meet projected peak load.  As the energy transition continues, we look forward to deploying our systems across the country.


Our projects are sited in commercial and industrial areas to best fit with local land use.  They deliver energy, economic, and environmental benefits to local communities. 

Project Benefits

• Local power reliability during peak demand periods

• Shifting energy from low-cost to high-cost periods

• Grid smoothing and balancing

• Resiliency for critical facilities

• Increased integration of renewable generation

• Local development and workforce benefits


Eddy Energy is a great partner to landowners. Our projects deliver long-term lease revenue to owners, backed by utility-grade revenue contracts and bank financing. Because our storage projects are relatively small, they can be sited on parcels, or portions of parcels, that don’t have a better economic use. All of our storage systems meet industry safety and fire-prevention standards, and are covered by long-term warranties from major manufacturers.

We work with landowners across the commercial and industrial space. If you are interested in hosting a distributed storage project, we would love to talk to you.